안 영 하 새 요 ? 재 이 름 은 죤 .고 그 ( John Koch )이 에 요.미 국 Adobe에 서 일 해 요.
개발자 관계 매니저이 에 요.Flex 챔 피 언 들 이 만 아 서 반 가 와요.

한 국 어 를 아 직 도 마주 잘 못 해 서 영 어 로 써 요.

Hello, I'm doing Developer Relations for Adobe. I think I have met many of the famous Korean Flex Champions! If I haven't met you, I look forward to meeting you soon. I apologize for my poor Korean. I am studying hard and soon I hope I can communicate with you in Korean.

The Flex engineering team asked me if Korean users of the Flex 3 beta version are having any problems running Flex 3 on the Korean OS. If you have found any problems with Flex 3 on the Korean OS, have you been able to report the issues? I think that you may have already told the Adobe Korea team about any issues you have found. If you would like me to report any issues about Flex 3 on the Korean OS to the Flex Engineering team, please let me know.

Thank you very much Champions!

Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자